A recently conducted EY study illustrates that the creative economy is one of the most severely affected industries in Europe. Based on our European observations, and displaying several game-changing developments and industry initiatives, LiveCom Alliance is appealing for a simplified and coordinated approach for a faster recovery and a necessary perspective for our Live communication industry.
In accordance with our member-associations all over Europe, the LiveCom Alliance presses for:
Below our Position Paper, addressed to the EU on February 19th 2021. And the mentioned EY study and position paper by our colleagues from EEIA.
Studie EY zum Schaden der Veranstaltungswirtschaft 2021
EEIA Position Paper – Enable travel with digital travel pass – 20.01.2021
LiveCom Alliance, together with the R.I.F.E.L. Institute, is proud to announce the launch of the 2025 edition of the European Industry Survey. This year’s survey introduces a new approach, focusing on a single strategic theme: internationalization.
At IMEX the world comes together. So, a great opportunity for – almost our whole – board to meet.